It is made of one core optical fiber coated with an inert stable material or a high-strength composite material as the optical transmission medium, a layer of all-dielectric strength member yarn is used as a force unit, and a layer of material which is easy to tear dry sheath : OFNR/OFNP or CPR- DCA/CCA/BCA , covered with a layer of all-dielectric reinforcement yarn as a strength unit or to prevent animal teeth from biting, the outer sheath is OFNR/OFNP or CPR-DCA/CCA/BCA.
Structure Diagram
Optical parameters and properties
This cable is used for multi-directional signal transmission between instruments or communication equipment. Outdoor cables:
overhead, pipeline, Façade indoor subunit: general building applications, indoor , unique design suitable for rugged outdoor and
challenging indoor environments. The design features glue-free, fully waterproof, UV-resistant, center interior with a sturdy exterior
plant drop cable.
The cable features quick access technology, allowing longer lengths to access the inner subunit in seconds by peeling off the outer jacket
by hand. Designed to meet industry standard requirements for outdoor and indoor drop cables, this product requires no termination hardware
to transition from outdoor environments to indoor indoor terminations. This dielectric cable eliminates any connections and has high grounding
requirements, making it suitable for overhead, facade, direct burial and duct installations.